Thursday 8 September 2011

Still getting the hang of English

I love how you are learning your new words, and how you interpret the words you hear as you attempt to repeat them to us. Some mispronunciations are so cute we haven't gone out of our way to correct you. 

You're two and a half so it is to be expected, but I love hearing your voice and listening to you speak.

You're still learning the words for all foods you enjoy, and two of your favourite post-dinner snacks are ornages (oranges) and blueblerries. Daddy and I have tried numerous times to help you say orange. Now we call them ornages too. Blueblerry just sounds too cute to try to fix.

You have no problem saying Nan and Pop, and Uncle Jon and Aunt Jes. But the other side of the family is a bit more of a challenge. Bubbie was Dubbie, and now she's Boodie. Uncle David is Uncle Dadid and Auntie Stephanie is Auntie Tetanee. And by far the cutest mispronunciation is cousin Noa, who you lovingly call cousin Nono. We call her Nono now too.

Two of your other funny mispronounced words are bathing suit, which you call your baby soup, and whenever you use the potty, you need to have your tep too, aka your step stool. 

I'm sure there are lots more I just can't think of right no but I love each and every one of the cute things you say.

Oh, and one more cute thing? You always want to hold your little brother, which is so very sweet. You always say to me and your daddy "I want to hold it!" Makes me giggle.

I suppose this wouldn't be complete without me telling you what your very first full sentence was. It wasn't even that long ago. Maybe a month and a half ago now. You asked to call your Uncle Dadid. He got on the phone and I told you to tell him you had gone pee on the potty.

"Hi Uncle Dadid! I went pee pee potty! I got chocolate! I get Ice cream?" We all got a good laugh out of that one. You didn't get ice cream, but you did get lots of cuddles for the cute question :).

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