Thursday 15 September 2011

Daddy's little girl

When I was pregnant with you, we didn't know whether you were going to be a boy or a girl. I always joked with your dad that, if we had a girl, she'd have him wrapped around her finger. He denied it. But I knew. 
When you were born and they said "it's a girl" your daddy was forever changed.

You look just like me, but Abigail, you are your daddy's girl. You love trying new things, taking on the world, being challenged, being daring, and showing everyone how much they are loved. You are tough, and stubborn, and cuddly and adventurous. You are your father's daughter, through and through.  And for some kids, the more like their parents they are, the more they butt heads. But you and your daddy are two peas in a pod. 

Dads and their daughters are a special thing. You expect a dad to look forward to watching the hockey game with his little boy and taking him on his first camping weekend. You expect him to be excited to watch his a first baseball game, and to tell you to shake off a bad fall. But your dad already took you on your first camping weekend, hugs you after your falls and helps you back up again, and he can't wait to see you in your ballet shoes and leotard. Your dad is a sucker for you in the sweetest possible way. You are his child, not just his little girl. 

You love playing music, pounding on the piano keys or banging on a drum, and there's no doubt that it's because your daddy has been playing music for you since you were just a baby. Your love for music is all  because of the love for it your daddy instilled in you. 

It is hard not to see the effect your daddy's love for you has on who you are and how you love. You are tough as nails like your daddy, and, like him, also loving and sweet and kind and respectful. I see in you so much of who your father is that I am always grateful that I picked him and he picked me to share our lives and raise our children.

You love your daddy. Your face and eyes light up for him more than anyone and no one can get the gleeful giggles out of you that he can. You are a very lucky little lady to have the daddy you do.

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