Friday 16 September 2011

It's all in the marketing

You are two. And as such, it's not always easy to get you to do stuff. In fact, pretty much everything we want you to do is a challenge. Your grasp of the word 'no' is impressive.  So, your dad and I have had to be creative with the way we trick you into doing what we want you to do or eat. 

Getting you to take your daily milk intake is a challenge. But it's become much easier since I started lacing your milk with Yop, aka 'milkshake.' You LOVE your milkshakes.

All things frozen are ice cream. All fruit-freezies? Ice cream. FroYo? Ice cream.

You were not the hugest fan of me putting Vasaline on you during a diaper change. But, for some reason, putting 'goop' on you was a-okay. So, goop it was!

You love wearing dresses. As nights have gotten more difficult when it comes to getting you into your PJs, buying 'night dresses' has helped speed up the process.

And night time undies. Oh, the night time undies. Once you were just a little bit potty trained, diapers became the devil. Overnight that's a bit of an issue, so you need to wear SOMETHING. Diapers you'd take off easily. So we got you Pull Ups, or 'night time underwear'. You still fuss and say 'too big' whenever they go on, but for some reason, your 'night time undies' are less offensive to your sensibilities. 

Some might call it tricking. I say it's creative genius. It works! It's not my fault you're a sucker for marketing. Well, maybe it is. But I'm okay with that.

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