Tuesday 25 October 2011

Your first BFF

Since your earliest days, you have been around babies the same age as you. First, you got to know Devin, Aanika, Amelia and Mercedes. We saw them every other week for you entire first year of life. Sadly, after their mommies and I went back to work, it got harder to get you all together, so you don't know each other as much as I'd hope you would. 

In the last few weeks, we have spent quite a bit of time with Penelope, who is almost 5, and Isabella, who is the same age as you. The more time we spend with them, the more you love playing with them. Especially Penn. She gives you a run for your money.

But, by far your most consistent little buddy is Naomi McKean. She is just six months younger than you and you have known her since you were just a wee baby yourself. You play so nicely together and really do appear to have a love for each other. It's so fun for your dad and I, and Naomi's mommy and daddy, to watch you two play and grow together. 

From the first time you met, you were drawn to her. She's like you in a lot of ways. She loves to dance around and be silly, and is also really active. Not many kids your age can keep up. But you two run each other ragged.

I have some friends I have known since I was a little girl. Bubbie is still very close friends with the friends she was close with when I was your age, so I still hear about their children, with whom I played when I was little. But, wonderful though they all are, I am not close friends with them.
I wish, for you, that you and Naomi will be each other's first phone call. I hope the first time you ask to hang out with a friend, or have a sleepover, it's with Naomi. I hope you become each other's closest confidante. Not because I'm close friends with her mommy and daddy. But because you already have a history and a friendship that I admire, and I hope to watch grow as you do.

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