Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Family Vacation

Your Uncle David and I grew up away from all of our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. But the four us, uncle David, Bubbie, Zaidie and I, went on vacations, just the four of us, every summer. We created some wonderful memories on those trips.

Both last year and this one, Uncle David, Auntie Stephanie, cousin Noa, and your daddy, you and me, went on a mini vacation. This year, of course, we had Zachie with us too. I hope, as you get older, that our trips get a little longer, but having these experiences for you to enjoy with your family from this young age warms my heart. You love going to new places and seeing new things. And you love being with your auntie, uncle and cousin. 

Last year, we took you to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Nothing overly fancy but you loved every second of it. We stayed at the Marriott in Buffalo after spending the day at the Butterfly conservatory. We made your very first stop at Niagara Falls on the way back home and you were in pure awe. I loved seeing you so excited by nature.

This year we went to Hidden Valley Resort in Huntsville. We went in the fall this time, rather than summer. Your brother is still really young and I admit to being a bit nervous about how he'd handle it, but you both did so great! The colours of the leaves are changing now and it was so beautiful up North. It helped that it was an unusually warm weekend in October, so even though we are well into fall, you and cousin Noa were able to play together on the beach.

Seeing you with your your extended family is heart warming for me. I really do think it is a gift that I am so happy you have. It is something we do not take for granted. You are so lucky to have all of your aunts and uncles (Aunt Jes and Uncle Jon too, of course) living in driving distance. You 'know' them in a way I think is truly special. You like your mommy and daddy's friends, but you know who your family is. You know the difference. You love them all so much. It is really a very very special thing.

I love we are starting to create some wonderful memories for you. I hope you treasure them the way I already do.

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