Tuesday 30 August 2011

My first journal entry

I kept a journal for you throughout my pregnancy, before I knew if you were going to be a boy or a girl, and loved sharing with you all of my thoughts and feelings of the pregnancy and my hope for your arrival and life. But since your birth, life has gotten in the way of sharing the details I really want you to know about your life, and our lives together, as a family.

I've tried buying journals to write things down but I always start and stop and never am able to fully get out what I want to say and what I want to tell you and remember for myself.
Thus, this blog was born. This blog is for you. For you to learn about the person you are and were as you grow into being the amazing adult I have no doubt you will be.

Given that you are just two and a half and just learned your shapes, I know it will be a long while until you're able to read this, but I am worried that I'm going to forget things. The hilarious things you say and do, the sweet, loving and kind things I witness, and I want to remember, and I want you to know.

Your current stats:
2.5 years old
Loving big sister to 4 month old Zachary
Wearing 3T clothing (and have been for months!)
Growing out of your size 7 shoes
Just mastering the potty
Just kicked the bottle (of milk, that is)
New word explosions daily
Precocious and hilarious and loving

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