Tuesday 1 November 2011

Trick or Treat!

Yesterday was Halloween and we thought you'd love it, but the day started really rocky. We basically had to force you into your costume. There is nothing weirder than saying 'you're going to be Minnie Mouse whether you like it or not!' to your child. In fairness to us, you had already vetoed the other costume we got your and spent money on. 

You put on the costume but you were NOT happy about it. Though you did let us put your ears on. Which surprised me. Daddy dropped you off at daycare and apparently you freaked out as people showed up in costumes. Even Miss Donna from the infant room, who was only wearing a pink cowboy hat, really upset you. I guess seeing all of the people you know look so different felt strange.

Daddy and I wondered all day if you'd be able to enjoy the day. We really wanted you to. So I was very happy when I showed up at the end of the day with Zach and you were still decked out in your Minnie garb, ears and all. And you were smiling ear to ear. 

We all piled into the car and went to go pick up Daddy from work so that we could all head up to Uncle David, Auntie Stephanie and cousin Noa's house, to go trick or treating. You were starting a bit grumpy, I won't lie. I think you had just had a long day. At one point you asked to take Minnie off. I tempted you with the promise of candy coming, if you kept your costume on. That seemed to be enough to convince you.

Cousin Noa got decked out in her beautiful Mermaid costume, Zachie was a BumbleZee (your A-bee costume from your first Halloween) and we started door to door. Daddy taught you to say 'trick or treat' and you got really brave really quickly, knocking on doors, opening your bag and saying 'trick or treat.' There was not one person you said it to who didn't smile.

I can only imagine how much fun this was for you, going to random people's houses and having them throw candy at you. You were in heaven!

At one point we went to a house and you said 'trick or treat' and the man looked at you with this huge smile. His wife and another family member or friend were standing behind him as we walked away. I don't know if he knew I could hear, but as we walked away, he said to his wife 'did you hear that? Her 'trick or treat'? It was, it was...special.' It was possibly the sweetest thing I've ever heard someone say about you.

Daddy took Zachie home around that time (it was already past his bedtime) and you asked your Uncle David to take you to the next set of doors. I wasn't insulted you didn't pick me. I love how much you love your uncle. 

We'd go house to house, you'd say 'trick or treat' and then a nice 'thank you' as you'd leave. And then you'd go running down the driveway screaming "next house! next house! Come on Uncle Dadid, let's go to the next house!" 

At what point I asked you if you had a lot of candy. "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH!" was your emphatic answer. 

You let me to take you to the last house before we were done, and when you got your candy I asked "what do you say?" and instead of "thank you" you bent down, opened your bag, and grabbed the candy the man had just given you. "I got chocolate, I got lollipops, I got candy!" was your answer. True enough Abigail. True enough.

Once we got back to Uncle David and Auntie Stephanie's house, you were high from all of the fun and weren't ready to go home. But it was already past your bedtime and you had already accumulated more of a candy stash than you can ever possibly finish (I'll gladly help you out with that). I asked you if you were happy you had kept Minnie on and you smiled at me and said "yeah!"

And so trick or treating is done for another year. From bee, to garden gnome to Minnie Mouse, you have had a great few Halloweens. I wonder what you'll be next year. My money is on princess. Whatever you choose to be though, I hope you still have the awe filled excitement you had last night.